
영국 드라마 Fleabag

yewon/예원 2020. 7. 13. 11:44

Fleabag(플리백, 행색이 초라하고 불쾌한 사람 혹은 싸구려 더러운 호텔)

2019년 가장 재미있게 보았던 드라마. 그리고 한 참 웃었던 장면들

삶과 사랑에서 상처를 가지고 살아가는 시니컬한 여성의 이야기 (아마존 프라임에서 시청가능)


Season2 5화 중
"Hair is everything"
“We wish it wasn’t, so we could actually think about something else occasionally, but it is. It’s the difference between a good day and a bad day. We’re meant to think that it’s a symbol of power, that it’s a symbol of fertility. Some people are exploited for it and it pays your fucking bills. Hair is everything.”
" If you want to change your life, change your life. It’s not gonna happen (in) here."






Hair is everything. (Season2 - 5)


F: Fleabag

C: Claire

A: Anthony


F : It’s horrendous. (extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible)

C:  It’s horrendous.


F: It’s modern.

C: Don’t lie!


F: I’m not.

C: I look like a pencil.


F: (laughs): You… you don’t look like…

C: Don’t laugh.

F: It’s okay.


C: It’s not okay! I’m gonna lose my job.

F: You won’t lose your job. It’s cool.


C: It’s not cool.

F: It’s edgy.


C: Oh, fuck off!

F: No, it’s chic.

C: It’s unsalvageable! (not able to be improved from a bad situation and made good again)

F: Claire, it’s French.


C: Really?

F: Yes.


F: Have you been drinking?

C: Oh, he gave me champagne before he ruined my life.

C: That’s how they get you.


F: Did you go to Anthony?

F: Claire

C: I know.

F: What?! You remember what happened to me?!


A: I honestly thought it was the last time I was gonna see him.

F: Um, I mean that’s awful, but if I…

A: His little face was just…

F: Anthony!


F: Is this what you asked for?

C: No, of course not.

C: He’s just a bastard.


F: Right, fuck it.

C: What?

F: Come on.

C: No, no! It’s all right!

C: Oh. Slow down!


F:  Hey!

A: No. No!

F: Anthony!

A: That is exactly what she asked for.

F: No, it’s not. We want compensation.


A: Claire?

C: I’ve got two important meetings and I look like a pencil.

A: No! Don’t blame me for your bad choices. Hair isn’t everything.


F: (chuckles) : Wow.

A: What?

F : Hair is everything.

We wish it wasn’t, so we could actually think about something else occasionally, but it is. It’s the difference between a good day and a bad day. We’re meant to think that it’s a symbol of power, it's a symbol of fertility. Some people are exploited for it and it pays your fucking bills. Hair is everything, Anthony!

(exploited : adjective / especially, of a person: unfairly or meanly used for another's advantage)


C: SHow her the reference.

A: Claudia, bring me the bin.


A:  If you want to change your life, change your life. It’s not gonna happen (in) here.

C: Sorry, Anthony. Sorry.

F: Sorry, Anthony.

F: I didn’t mean for it to turn out like that. I’ll see you next week.





 * 공부하면서 자막 적어봤어요. 가끔 재밌게 본 드라마나 영화 유튜브 클립으로 보면서 모르는 단어나 발음 찾으면서 봐요. 흥미가 있어야 공부도 오래 지속 할 수 있는 것 같아요.